Friday, 16 September 2016

Trump the Changeling

About three days ago the US President Mr Obama is said have endorsed Mrs Clinton for President.
A day and some hours after that the Julius Malema of the US, Mr. Trump came out guns blazing and told Sir Obama he ought to be running the country instead of endorsing Clinton for President.

There is something I do not like here. Something's off. You see, A few hours ago Mr Trumpet has completely turned around. He has just told people who were at his new hotel party that this very same Obama he has been busy trying to chase out of office 'was born in America. Period'.

What I find troubling here is that eghm we all know who was behind the Obama not very American conspiracy theories. Not to mention that he once upon a time told supporters to get black lives matter supporters out of one of his racially charged rallies. Oh and there's this message about making America great again.
Does that include an America clear of blacks, Hispanics and all otherwise non Americans?

You should also remember that if the ant holes news are anything to go bye, Mr Trumpet is also a big business player in the US. Now would it be nice to,on top of being a business man you also become your country's most powerful man. Its President!
My misgivings in all of this is that this office affords a man still very racially charged power so great it could change the way we Africans in Africa and internationally live literally over night.

Africa is already dying...The Trumpet changes its tune much too quickly.

No Trumpet for US President

The end of Affirmative action in RSA

Hi guys. I hope you are well.

I'm also well. Unfortunately it isn't so for the RSA government.
You see. word is, the UN seems to be pushing for answers as to why it is that the Government of South Africa still uses race based means to gather information about its citizens.

According to UN summited a report to the CERD (committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination) and in so doing got the ANC in water because this policy is instrumental in balancing the rich and the poor people's scales. The whites-notable the Afri Forum-view it as an equivalent to Apartheid policies because it limits their economic activities in a country they love.
It is reported that the Afri-Forum summited its own shadow report on the issue.

If it so happens that the CERD is not convinced with RSA's reasons for using the policy, the UN will push for an end of the policy in the next committee meeting in year 2020.
