Wednesday 7 December 2016

Look At What GMO feed does to mice

If you are a Southern African resident, chances that you too might end up like the above mice are not so minimal.

The picture presented is taken from Dr Seralini's research report as appeared in the Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology.

Seralini is a French doctor who is very critical of Monsato's push for the adoption of genetically modified food as food equal to the traditional natural farm food our fathers grew up eating. His research is never mentioned by seed retailers in southern Africa since it details the dangers presented to man by use of GMO food crops.

Seralini found that the mice fed with Monsanto's GM seeds caused abnormal cell growth.
As seen in the picture, some of the mice developed big mammary glands, had enlarged livers and most horrid of all, lost their ability to reproduce.

Does this danger easily translate to the same problems happening to human beings?
I doubt Monsanto would like this revealed. Please await The Opinionated Africans next post to find out. We are still researching.


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